85 Twilight Quotes for Instagram, some Sad, some Funny

As the sun transitions from day to night to day, repeating the cycle, there is a magical transformation that takes place during these twilight hours. For me, the magic of the twilight hour lies in its ability to awaken the senses and stir the imagination. I never miss the opportunity to frame the moment. So here are some amazing twilight quotes and captions for you. Feel free to use these twilight captions for Instagram as well.

If you are at loss of words to express yourself while posting your gorgeous travel pictures these quotes about twilight will make very good captions for your Instagram pictures.

Read on for some Twilight Inspirational Quotes, some twilight quotes about Love, some sad, some funny and more. Let me know which you liked the most among these twilight quotes.

Twilight Quotes by Great Writers

  1. “The twilight hours are always the sweetest.” – Victor Hugo
twilight quotes

Twilight Quotes – Pic taken in Mauritius

2. “There is a certain charm in the twilight hours, a time when the world seems to soften and dreams become possible.” – E.B. White

3. “Twilight drops her curtain down, and pins it with a star.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery

4. “The evening twilight is like a breath of beauty upon the cheek of the earth.” – George Bancroft

5. “Twilight is the time when magic is most potent, when the boundaries between realities grow thin.” – Terry Brooks

6. “In the twilight hours, the world is suspended between day and night, between reality and dreams.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón

7. “In the twilight, it seems that anything is possible; the world becomes a dreamscape of infinite potential.” – Haruki Murakami

8. “Twilight is the hour when the colors of the sky blend in perfect harmony, like a painter’s palette.” – John Geddes

9. “The twilight hours hold a certain mystique, as if they guard the secrets of the universe.” – Isabel Allende

10. “The twilight hour of daybreak is the time of dreams.” – Thomas Wolfe

11. “In the soft glow of twilight, the world takes on a gentle, ethereal beauty that is both calming and mysterious.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

12. “The twilight hour is when the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane transforms into magic.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

13. “There is a certain melancholy beauty to the twilight hours, a bittersweet reminder of the passage of time.” – Jhumpa Lahiri

14. “In the twilight hours, the world is suspended between day and night, between reality and dreams.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón

15. “Twilight is a time for introspection, a moment to pause and reflect on the wonders of the day that has passed.” – Hermann Hesse

16. “The twilight hours are a sanctuary for the soul, a time to reconnect with oneself and find solace in the fading light.” – Alice Hoffman

17. “In the twilight, the world takes on a hushed, reverent quality, as if nature herself is holding her breath in anticipation.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

18. “Twilight is the time when the colors of the world merge into a soft, dreamlike haze, and the boundaries between reality and imagination blur.” – Edgar Allan Poe

19. “The twilight hours are a canvas upon which the imagination paints its most vivid dreams.” – Kazuo Ishiguro

20. “Twilight is a time of transition, a bridge between the familiar and the unknown, where anything is possible.” – Paulo Coelho

21. “The twilight hours are a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope on the horizon.” – Emily Dickinson

Twilight Quotes by great writers

Twilight Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Twilight Quotes for Sad Memories

Here are some sad quotes related to the twilight hour. These quotes capture the somber and melancholic aspects associated with the twilight hour, reflecting on loss, sadness, and the ephemeral nature of life.

22. “In the twilight hour, when the sun bids farewell, I am reminded of all the goodbyes I’ve had to say in my life.” – Unknown

23. “The twilight hour serves as a melancholic reminder of the fleeting nature of happiness.” – Unknown

24. “The twilight hour is a bittersweet reminder that even the most beautiful moments have an expiration date.” – Unknown

25. “The twilight hour is a time when the loneliness of the world becomes palpable, and I feel it deep within my bones.” – Unknown

26. “As the sun sets, my heart sinks, knowing that another day has slipped away into the shadows of the twilight hour.” – Unknown

Twilight Sad Quotes


These twilight quotes capture the enchantment and beauty of love in the twilight hours, highlighting the tender and transformative nature of this profound emotion.

27. “The twilight hours are the sweetest moments with the one you love, as if the world pauses just for the two of you.” – Unknown

28. “Love is like the twilight; it hovers between day and night, never fully in the light, yet never completely in darkness.” – Khalil Gibran

29. “In the twilight of love, we find the beauty of both beginnings and endings, and we learn to cherish every moment in between.” – Unknown

30. “Love is the twilight that lingers in the heart, casting a soft glow even in the darkest of times.” – Unknown

31. “The magic of love is most potent in the twilight, when the world fades away, and all that matters is the embrace of your beloved.” – Unknown

32. “Twilight is the time when love whispers its secrets, and the heart becomes the canvas for a million stars.” – Unknown

twilight quotes about love

33. “In the twilight of love, we find the courage to embrace both light and shadows that reside within us.” – Unknown

34. “Love is the twilight melody that plays softly in our souls, resonating with the symphony of the universe.” – Unknown

35. “As day turns into night, love blossoms in the twilight, illuminating our path with its gentle radiance.” – Unknown

36. “The twilight hour is when love paints the sky with hues of passion and tenderness, reminding us of the beauty in every moment shared.” – Unknown

37. “Love is the twilight language of the heart, spoken without words, but understood with every beat.” – Unknown

38. “In the twilight of love, we find solace in the arms of our beloved, as their presence becomes our sanctuary.” – Unknown

39. “Love is the twilight dance, where two souls intertwine, moving in harmony to the rhythm of their hearts.” – Unknown

quotes about twilight hour

Quotes about Twilight hour

40. “Twilight is the time when love reveals its truest colors, when vulnerabilities are embraced, and connections are deepened.” – Unknown

41. “In the twilight of love, every touch is electric, every gaze is a universe, and every moment is eternal.” – Unknown

42. “Love is the twilight breeze, gentle yet captivating, caressing our souls and leaving traces of enchantment in its wake.” – Unknown

43. “The twilight hour is a witness to the love stories written in the constellations, where hearts align and destinies intertwine.” – Unknown

44. “Love is the twilight symphony, where every note is a declaration of devotion, and every silence speaks volumes.” – Unknown

45. “In the twilight of love, we discover that beauty lies not in the perfect moments, but in the imperfections we embrace together.” – Unknown

Quotes about Twilight Hours


Here are some twilight hour sky quotes. These quotes vividly depict the captivating beauty and poetic imagery of the twilight sky.

46. “The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.” – Haruki Murakami

47. “The evening sky was awash with fiery hues, as if the heavens were ablaze, bidding the day a passionate farewell.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

48. “Twilight drops her curtain down and pins it with a star.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery

49. “As the sun bids adieu, the sky becomes a canvas of dreams, splashed with hues of crimson, gold, and purple.” – Isabel Allende

50. “In the twilight hour, the sky transforms into a mesmerizing tapestry of colors that dance with the fading light.” – Unknown

Twilight Sky Quotes


Here are some fun and light-hearted quotes about the twilight hour. These twilight sentences embrace the fun and whimsical aspects of the twilight hour, highlighting the playfulness and joy that can be found during this enchanting time of day.

51. “Twilight is the perfect time to take a pause and appreciate the magical moment when the day decides to call it a night.” – Unknown

52. “In the twilight hour, everything looks a little more magical and a lot more Instagram-worthy.” – Unknown

53. “Twilight is like nature’s way of giving us a gentle reminder to switch on the fairy lights and embrace the cozy vibes.” – Unknown

54. “Twilight: the time when the sky does a wardrobe change and trades its blue jeans for a fancy black dress.” – Unknown

Twilight Fun Captions for Instagram – Goa Sunset

55. “Twilight is nature’s way of saying, ‘Hey, let’s have some fun and see what kind of shadows we can create!'” – Unknown

56. “The twilight hour is when the sky throws a party for the stars and invites us all to be star struck.” – Unknown

57. “Twilight is like the dessert course of the day: it’s sweet, colorful, and makes you wish you had room for more.” – Unknown

58. “Twilight is a time of day when even the clouds gather to watch the sun’s grand finale.” – Unknown

59. “In the twilight hour, everything becomes a little more mysterious, a little more enchanting, and a little more…where did I put my keys?” – Unknown

60. “Twilight is when the sky whispers secrets to the moon and the trees share a laugh with the wind.” – Unknown

61. “Twilight is like a sneak peek into a world of magic where fireflies are paparazzi and the stars are the red carpet.” – Unknown

62. “In the twilight hour, you’ll find me doing my best impression of a poet, contemplating life while eating ice cream straight from the tub.” – Unknown

63. “Twilight is the time when the sky changes channels and decides to broadcast a reality show starring the moon and the stars.” – Unknown

64. “Twilight is like a wink from the universe, reminding us that there’s still time for one more adventure before the day bids farewell.” – Unknown

65. “In the twilight hour, even the grumpiest of creatures can’t help but crack a smile as they witness the sky’s beautiful transformation.” – Unknown

Star struck at Twilight Hour


Here are ten memorable quotes from the Twilight movie series. These twilight movie quotes capture some of the romantic and dramatic moments from the Twilight movies, showcasing the intense emotions and passionate declarations of love that are central to the story.

66. “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.” – Edward Cullen

67. “I’d rather die than stay away from you.” – Edward Cullen

68. “I don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore.” – Edward Cullen

69. “You are my life now.” – Edward Cullen

70. “I’m gonna fight for you, until your heart stops beating.” – Jacob Black

71. “I’m the world’s most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. As if I would need any of that.” – Edward Cullen

72. “You’re like my own personal brand of heroin.” – Edward Cullen

73. “You’re my only reason to stay alive… if that’s what I am.” – Edward Cullen

74. “It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are.” – Bella Swan

75. “So the vampire, who was actually a really great guy, became the most famous vampire in the world. Go figure!” – Bella Swan

Twilight Movie Quotes


Here are some quotes about enjoying the twilight hour with friends. These quotes celebrate the joy and connection that comes from spending the twilight hour with friends, highlighting the shared moments of laughter, appreciation, and togetherness during this magical time of day.

76. “In the twilight hour, surrounded by friends, laughter echoes through the air, creating memories that sparkle like stars.” – Unknown

77. “Twilight is best enjoyed in the company of friends, as we watch the sun bid farewell and share stories that light up the gathering darkness.” – Unknown

78. “The magic of the twilight hour is multiplied when shared with friends, as we weave laughter and camaraderie into the fabric of the evening.” – Unknown

79. “As the day fades into twilight, the warmth of friendship illuminates the path, guiding us through the mysteries of the night.” – Unknown

80. “In the twilight hour, friends gather like fireflies, filling the world with their playful glow and reminding us of the joy of togetherness.” – Unknown

81. “Twilight is a time for friends to pause, to savor the beauty around them, and to appreciate the bonds that make life’s journey brighter.” – Unknown

82. “In the twilight hour, the company of friends turns an ordinary moment into a cherished memory that lingers long after the stars appear.” – Unknown

83. “As the sky transforms, friends gather to chase the fleeting colors, capturing the essence of the twilight in their hearts forever.” – Unknown

84. “Twilight whispers secrets to friends, sharing its tranquil beauty and inspiring conversations that dance in the fading light.” – Unknown

85. “In the twilight hour, friends become stargazers, dreaming under a sky that holds infinite possibilities and endless laughter.” – Unknown

Quotes about twilight hour with friends


In the embrace of the twilight hour, I find solace and inspiration. It’s a sanctuary where I can let my mind wander, where I can immerse myself in the beauty of the present moment. My love for these moments led me to create this compilation of these twilight quotes. Please feel free to download these comments and pictures for use in your social media posts.

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Twilight quotes and captions for instagram

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