Synthetic Trees

With each passing year the situation is deteriorating due to steady increase in level of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. People from different walks of life are working round the clock to save the world from the imminent disaster. With the recent creation of a synthetic tree I wonder if such man made trees rescue us?!

Yet another Earth day has come and gone. Many raised their concerns, many sites brought out ‘to do’ lists and many organizations promoted lifestyles that contribute to a healthier planet.

Eminent scientists too have been toiling hard so that we don’t have to worry for the scarcities we may have to face in future by creating a man made climate. While a lot of research has gone in to how to curb emissions, a section of scientists is working at how to remove rather absorb the root cause.

And one invention that has been in news for past few years is the Synthetic Tree. The basic idea of the invention of an artificial tree is to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, combine it with minerals and then store it. Lime water is used to absorb the carbon and convert it to limestone. Have a look at the synthetic trees. Picture from: Earth Institute NewsArchive

How do they look to you, pleasant or horrible?

The idea was first proposed by Dr. Klaus Lackner. According to him, “If built to scale, synthetic trees could help clean up an atmosphere grown heavy with carbon dioxide, the most abundant gas produced by humans and implicated in climate warming.” His prediction was that “one synthetic tree could remove 90,000 tons of CO2 in a year – the emissions equivalent of 15,000 cars.” Or simply put it this way one synthetic tree could absorb 1000 times more carbon dioxide than a living tree. Won’t a forest look better?

Supporters for this project argue that developed nations alone cannot contribute to saving the environment. Developing nations like China, India and few more obsessed with their new found riches are expected to use more fossil fuels and fill the skies with more CO2. With no realistic solution in sight to keep the CO2 levels low, stakes and hopes are high on such Synthetic Trees.

Now imagine the new scenario with such trees in your streets. Imagine the phenomenal amount of energy that would be required to build something like this. What do we do with the huge amount of Carbon produced? Make pencils or diamonds as some ask??

Technological developments and products of wonder are fine to read, and blessing to use. But my head goes spinning vroooom to think such massive structures are going to replace our green trees. Rising CO2 levels is a crisis and demands immediate attention no doubt.

Synthetic tree is a possible solution and an interesting idea too, yet there is a tinge of sadness as I write this post, no more picnicking under green shady trees for future generations.

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10 Responses to “Synthetic Trees

  • Thanks Kat. One thing will lead to the other for sure. Liked your idea. 🙂

  • Was thrilled reading this informative blog….

    If technology and development has caused this CO2 misery, then it’s time that the same is put to use as an antidote too..!!!

    As Raji says, we can ask the S.trees to live harmoniously with the real ones, considering the good work they seem to be doing.

    Hope the scientists also come up with birds chirping, leaves rustling sounds and the works – so that we get to like the synthetic trees…!!! :-)))))

  • Thanks all.
    I enjoyed reading your views. I hope the situation doesn’t worsen further for such synthetic trees to become a reality.

  • what an idea..but isnt it ironical that man is only destroying trees and this earth ..

  • I apreciate the invention but I am glad we are not among the group of people who think that trees are a machine to absorb CO2. How about painting it green to look real? 🙂

  • They look horrible, Indrani. I would rather have the cool green shades of trees – I do remember learning in school that our trees breathed in carbon dioxide. They do their best – not their fault if we pollute the atmosphere with more than they can clear up.

    “Or simply put it this way one synthetic tree could absorb 1000 times more carbon dioxide than a living tree. Won’t a forest look better?” Definitely.
    Surely synthetic trees, if we do need them, can live harmoniously with real ones.

  • Wonderful post. Know what? I thing nothing can really replace our trees. The synthetic trees look so bad an wierd, they might be efficient, that’s another thing. But I can bet my money, too many synthetic trees around would create some more problems. Nature is complex, and I think, no matter what the scientists say, they cannot replace our trees. (What about the cost of production of a synthetic tree and it’s transport? Won’t that make use of fossil fuels?) Happy (belated) Earth day and a wonderful post.

  • A wonderful post..

    we need natural remedies, else it may end up like the “Green Revolution” gone amock.. having delpleted the Indian Soil of its natural composition..

  • Hi Indrani! Thanks for having been so kind to comment on Blogtrotter while I was absent! I’m back and trying to catch up with your posts!There is a tension between trying to reduce the production of CO2 and simply continuing to produce CO2 and find ways to remove it. To make it with synthetic trees may be interesting, but at the cost of the green seems a high price to pay…
    Amazing the story of the happy unstressed Singaporean (great, they found one!).
    Loved to see the answers to the tag!
    Hope you have a great week!

  • Extremely unique perspective you have put forward Indrani .

    The angle that you have chosen to explore is different and hence very enlightening. This new aspect to an attempt of decrease CO2 in the atmosphere does undoubtedly sound very promising. And I even would advocate it if economically feasible.

    But no picnics under a cool natural tree ?! This is where I think Man has to learn from his mistakes .. it his greed for ‘development’ that has brought the Earth to this state. It is unfortunate that our indulgence shows us the magnanimity of mistakes only after an extended period of time when dealing with man made synthetic creations ..CAUTION is the primary thing to bear in mind !!

    Lets hope we leave a better world for Gen next !! 🙂

    Wonderful Earth Day post Indrani .

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