Sad Story of Vellayi Gopuram in Srirangam, Tamil Nadu
If you have been to Srirangam you would have noticed only one of the tower gates is white in color and all others are multi colored. If you have not been to Srirangam yet let me tell you there are 21 gopuram (temple tower gates) in Sriramgam, one among the 21 is painted white. And this gopuram attracts attention in spite of its dull white color. It is called the Vellayi Gopuram and has a blood chilling story full of patriotism on why its is named and colored white.
Vellayi Gopuram or the white tower (gate) is at the eastern entrance of Srirangam Temple. Srirangam is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, named as Sri Ranganathaswamy in this temple. Do make it a point to visit this gate even if you enter the Sri Ranganathasway Temple through any other gate.
Legend of Vellayi Gopuram Srirangam
The word Vellayi means white, but it also represents the name of a Devdasi who sacrificed her life to protect the idol of the temple. The story is real and not just legend locals say and interesting too.
In the year 1323, Sultanate forces from north of India invaded Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple. They looted it of its precious jewels and gold ornaments. It is said that they carried away precious jewels and gems in 20 bullock carts. However due to quick presence of mind the main idol studded with precious gems was hidden. The Sultan desperately tried to search it out. Approximately 12,000 people of Srirangam laid down their lives fighting against those Muslim forces.

Vaishnavite Acharya, Pillailokacharya had taken the main idol away. He fled to Madurai. In order to distract the Sultan from his search for the idol, a Devdasi called Vellayi danced non stop for hours entertaining him and his people. Towards the end she lured him to the top of the gopuram. Once up there, Vellayi pushed the Sultan down to death. Immediately after, she was overcome with guilt for having cheated somebody to death. She too then jumped down from the gopuram to her death.
(In South and parts of Western India, a devadasi (Sanskrit: servant of deva (god)) or jogini is a girl “dedicated” to worship and service of a deity or a temple for the rest of her life.)
The then chief of Vijayanagara forces, Kempanna, defeated the Sultanate forces. He named the tower after Vellayi hailing her sacrifice and painted it white in her memory. So that is the story of why only this gopuram continues to be painted white. It distinctly stands out among the 21 gopurams of the temple.
Sculptures on Vellayi Gopuram Srirangam
Temple towers (gopuram) are an integral part of south Indian temples. Almost all tower gates are decorated with sculptures depicting various Gods and mythological characters. It is interesting to focus on them and photograph the detailed sculptures on all sides of the tower gate. Since 14th century this gopuram is white in color having a different aura around it. Do compare it with Rajagopuram of Srirangam.
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Share this sad story of of sacrifice related to the making of white tower gate – Vellayai Gopuram of Tamil Nadu India.

Correction – she never killed herself feeling guilty. She knew that she would be killed by remaining Muslim force. She did not want to die in their hands and rather ended her life by jumping off the gopuram.
The history is not known to many Hindus .
The 800 years blood war is not ended till the date . We are not teaching the sacrifices by the Hindu warriors who last the lives against the Muslim tyranny in India why because we haven’t have Hindu leader . All politicians are cheating the Hindus and the Hindu country.
Only solution is to elect and select true Hindu for ruling the Hindustan .
Hindustan samrajya party
Imagine they have been maintaining this color every day, every year, remembering the brave lady! Best real life history!
The gopuram looks magnificent. Great story behind it’s color. I do though like structures in original stone instead of paints.
Thanks for the information
There is always a story behind the craftsmanship. It seems like the eastern cultures have done a lot more to recognize their women heroes. I am glad they honored her sacrifice and the craftsmanship shows how much the people appreciated her sacrifice.
Sad that so many lives were lost – what a tragic true story. It definitely sounds like the makings of a legend, but a beautiful gesture to name the tower after Vellayi and paint it white to honor her sacrifice.
Wow. What an awesome story. I can’t believe that she pushed him from the top of that tower. But even more I can’t believe she jumped after feeling guilty. Damn. It leaves you in awe. I wonder how many other things that tower saw.
Yes, I had heard of this legend. It is such a heroic story of what people can do to defend their cities. I was told that Vellai Gopuram is also the second tallest tower in Srirangam, the island town.
What a touching story. I think every monument has such stories that can be found if one looks deeper. Gopurams always have fascinated me with their exquisite and intricate sculptures.
I think this story deserves to be portrayed on big screen (Unless it has been done already by the Tamil filmmakers).
I must admit that I have not interested in visiting religious sites. But your post and the story is interesting. It brings out the legend alive.
I haven’t heard of Srirangam, but it sounds pretty interesting! Such history though!.. It’s great to know that the tradition of painting the Vellayi Gopuram white still lives on and being practiced until today. 🙂 The details are indeed interesting and created with much care.
The thing that amazes me about India is how many incredible spots there are throughout the country that many of us don’t know about- I’d never even heard of Vellayi Gopuram Srirangam until reading this article, and it looks like a must-see!
Had been to this temple once on the way to Tiruchirapalli. Loved how white it was:) But had no clue of the gory and violent history of this place! Loved the Rajagopuram colours too!
Beautiful. Could not have learnt about the history of this Gopuram had I not read this post. A big thank you.
Interesting! It [probably was brave to commit suicide. So noble in thought.
I always wonder about the stories behind our marvelous structures. Amazing isn't it that the gopuram has a brilliant story behind it . Thanks for sharing 🙂
so much detailed post .. i wish i could get your life of travelling places !
Oh my my ! Look at the carvings at the temple !!!
I am glad you narrated about a great sacrifice and temple.No comments on pics.You have already superscribed your name!
Such wonderful story behind a beautiful temple.
Proud of ancient Indians for their architecture as well as for their sacrifice! Thanks for the history…
Beautiful gopuram and an interesting history.
i only knew that this temple is part of a trio of ranganatha swamy temples in the south…interesting read.
beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
Frozen in time.. you have a way of delighting people. You be blessed.
Beautiful temple with an interesting history. I am glad, I got to know something new.
thanks for sharing!
Beautiful memorial to her bravery.
Thanks Indrani for sharing the history behind this wonderful temple with us.Glad to have read this.:)
The link of this post will be at Charcha Manch on 9th November, 2013.
Indrani, thanks for sharing this temple and its history. Beautiful photos. Have a happy weekend!
Beautiful. Plan to visit Srirangam again some time soon.
Oh Indrani.
Thank you for this beautiful post and fantastic pictures.
Greetings from Polish far.
Interesting history and a very artistic piece of architecture!
Fantastic architecture, Indrani, thanks for sharing!
Amazing architecture ! Nice post on this interesting Temple.
Your Posts are highly informative.
Lovely captures and a sad story!
Greetings, RW & SK
oh.. wat a sad story.. thx for sharing.Dont know hw many such sacrifices lies buried..
What amazing architecture!
Lovely captures. A sad story.
Thanks as always for the history and your wonderful captures are superb, Indrani!!! A beautiful temple it is! And lovely, peaceful skies as well! Hope you have a lovely weekend!! Enjoy!
Very Detailed Post about the Temple..The Temple Architecture is really pretty good.. 😀
Devdasi was very brave! What a shame her life ended so badly. Lovely memorial to her.
it is really neat. and thanks for the history behind it.
Thanks for the photos of this interesting temple, as well as the information about the story behind it.