Amusing Tuk Tuk Experience in Bangkok Thailand
Just like any other ‘new tourist’ in Bangkok I was eager to experience the rides in the famous Tuk Tuks of Bangkok. Tuk Tuks are similar to the autorikshaws of India, but are more spacious. It is one of the favorite and popular modes of transport in Bangkok. The name originated from the sound of the motor of the vehicle and the sound really went tuk tuk tuk tuk… Two three rides in them and I decided I better take the taxi or the bus or the Sky Train there. The drivers are all great guys, but when they see tourists they can’t resist taking them for a ride!

Tuk tuk Experience in Bangkok 1
The first lesson learnt, was negotiating the prices before you get in. The guy did take us to our destination but charged an exorbitant rate and I unnecessarily had to go through the haggling process to bring down the rate to 60Baht from 200Baht. I am sure that short trip wouldn’t have cost anything more than 20Bahts.

Tuk tuk Experience 2
Next ride I took, the fare was fixed, the destination was fixed but I made the mistake of not deciding the route. Now this gentleman i.e. the Tuk Tuk driver wanted to take us to the Palace via a Chinese Gem factory, textile shops and finally a tailor shop who delivers stitched clothes within a day. On objecting to his grand plans, he tried hard to convince me what a great experience I would miss after coming to Bangkok all the way from India.
After a lot of debate on where we the tourists should actually go, he told us the truth that he would get some coupons for fuel. I finally gave in to his pleading look and agreed on just one stop. That is it.
The fact is most tourists come with very short time in hand to the city. And if more than half a day is spent touring according to the driver’s requirements, it is sheer waste of time and money for the tourists. But I must add here that they are very friendly guys, always with a smile, one has to be just alert and aware.
Great and Fun ~ Tuk tuk is one of the main transportation in Thailand and it is e a great way to travel around the cities 🙂 have fun and enjoy! @ knycx.journeying
Taking a Tuk Tuk ride is on my list for Bangkok, not necessarily even to get anywhere specifically, just to experience the ride! Duly noted on negotiating both the route and the price up front 🙂 Live and let learn right!
I took one tuktuk in BKK then avoided them. Not only are they ready to take you for a ride and get your money, but I found them really aggressive and too in my face. Not the most confortable when travelling alone.
I would like to travel with a tuk tuk some day when I go there. What is a wasted time when you are travelling? Isn´t there a whole new world to see?:-)
That's a fun story. They are enterprising people, those drivers! The vehicles sure do come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Good pics Indrani, hope the trip went off well minus the haggling.
tuk tuk = auto rickshaws in India.
Great photography
Good info ! never knew Bangkok also has bargaining:)
I seem to remember similar haggling negotiations going on when I was in Veitnam too. Especially if you hitched a ride on the back of a moped. 🙂
Hi Indrani! I’m back home and happy to come here!! Amazing post. The tuk tuk are extra fun in Bangkok… ;))
Meanwhile Blogtrotter is showing you an old castle village in Lycia. Enjoy and have a great week!
They are cool little vehicles. Thanks for the tips if I ever to to visit there I will know how to handle them or maybe to just take a different mode of transportation!
You can see this type of three wheeler in remote parts of Haryana. These three wheeler are basically assembled at road side fabricators. They don't even have shock absorber/ suspensions. In some parts it is called as 'Nandi'
He he thats nice….They look like hybrids of Indian rickshaws. Nice post and pictures.
Just when I posted about trishaw of Malacca you have Tuk-tuks. 🙂
Have heard about them, yet to experience though.
Nice post. Tuk Tuk actually looks quite spacious.
That was nice..
waiting to see more of Banghok thru your eyes….
Tuk Tuk compares favourably with our autos in Chennai.Nicely written
tuk tuk gulo ki tuk tuk korei jaaye? the south east asia countries really win with their smiles, I think as Indians we havent really learnt that skill!!
Each country carries some form of uniqueness…and Thailand despite its colorful culture, is unique with 'Tuk tuk'.
We learn a lot from every trip. Don't we Indrani…
Nice trip and nice shots…
My Travelogue, Savoir-Faire
Tuk-Tuk seems interesting. Would love to travel in them while there and will keep your tips to negotiate in mind. 🙂 We do that anyway in Bangalore but atleast here we know the distance. 🙂
Negotiating with a tuk tuk driver! I think I'd walk.
how interesting, I've never seen these before. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.
Still better than our own people here.
Just like in Vegas, these drivers probably get kickbacks for taking you to certain establishments.
Great photos – I like the colorful seats.
i think that's every problem of any tourist traveling to another country… prepare to be overprice!! ^-^
but, disregard those and just enjoy the city of the place you're traveling and admire its culture.
Brighton, the city next to my town, used to have tuk-tuks, which were very colourful and popular, and for a short while they became an icon of the city. But they were a bit too popular for the taxi drivers, who managed to get them made illegal!
nice name… tuk tuk 😀
These are like Indian auto-wallas who will over charge you and but Indian auto drivers will not even smile 🙂
I have had a lot of fun on those Tuk Tuks and great way to take in the sights and sounds of BKK.
It might be fun going on tuk… Nice pics.
I'm glad you met the friendly Tuktuk drivers, Indrani. And good job on negotiating the fare.
ah the adventures in a tuk tuk!
so, did they really take you for a ride ?
Indrani, I'd like to take a trip on those nice vehicles. It's a bit like taking a gondola in Venice, isn't it? Beautiful photos and very pleasant text.
it is always fun to try new things. you should try our 'becak' 😀
Dude.. can I go with you the next time! Wow… I love the name of those mini taxi-cars!
There is something about the word Tuk Tuk that is so much fun to say!
We used to have to haggle with the taxi drivers in Mexico and I hated it.
It seems to be a necessary evil.
Happy PSF!
Bangkok is a great destination and we enjoyed it very much. Yes, with tuk tuk, will travel! – faster and can see more!
I'd fall for those smiles and those cute colorful vehicles, too! Worth the cost, at least once in a while!
I love the last photo – all the colours of the rainbow, nearly!
A jolly narrative ! Tuktuks are as fun and as maddening as our own autos ! And yeah, the bargaining bit can drive one nuts but cant survive without bargaining in the Far East ……..trying to force tourists to go to some commercial establishments where the drivers get a cut happens in our country too.
I think it was a fun ride,
the Tuk~Tuk looks very simple 😉
I hope you arrived safely at the destination !!
It seems a very busy traffic there
We have tuk-tuks in interior Maharashtra. Also called tum-tums. These are the regular mode of transport of locals as the state transport buses are far and few.
Yes, tuk tuk in Bangkok or auto rickshaws in India. They have a lot in common. Given a chance, they will overcharge and they love to weave through traffic. Phew! But in Bangkok, in rush hour, they can take you through the small lanes and get you to your destinations faster.
Very fascinating. I'd like to have one of those cars for here to run errands.
Thursday Thirteen – Fiendish Facts