Postcard Pictures of Krishna River from Bridge
Here are some postcard pictures of Krishna River from a bridge during road trip of northern Karnataka. We were driving towards Bijapur from Badami. These are the pictures of Krishna River when we were at a distance of 50kms south of Bijapur, Karnataka.
Krishna River is one of the longest rivers of India. It originates in Western Ghats, meanders through Sangli in Maharashtra, then journeys through northern Karnataka and finally merges into Bay of Bengal at Hamasaledevi.
Legend of Origin of River Krishna
The traditional source of Krishna River is a spout from the mouth of a statue of a cow in the ancient temple of Mahadev in Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra. According to a legend:
it is considered that the Krishna River is Lord Vishnu himself as a result of a curse on the trimurtis (three supreme Gods – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) by Savitri. Krishna River’s tributaries Venna and Koyana are said to be Shiva and Brahma themselves. It is believed that 4 other rivers – Koyana, Venna, Savitri and Gayatri, also come out from the bull`s mouth apart from Krishna and they all travel some distance before merging into Krishna.
We halted somewhere in the middle of the bridge to take shots of the river flowing by. For my daughters who are learning the geography of India this was interesting and exciting. Living in concrete jungles seeing a river for real was a distant dream. So this halt was thrilling for them.
Bridge over River Krishna
Other than the views over the river, the bridge itself provided some interesting compositions. Click the images below to see enlarged.

Is that a bus?
A very long bridge, bending over on both sides, it seemed to me as if the bridge was disappearing and merging into the horizon. With not much of traffic on the bridge, I walked this side to that side taking shots, I took some quick vertical shots to get the effect of ‘the bridge dissolving into the horizon’.
And then on an impulse I said, “Warn me if something speeds up from behind,” before I stood there in the middle of the road to take this shot. What do you think? Is that a fire engine?
Beautiful pictures 🙂 Serene
Its so gorgeous… I have often wondered how some of the best scenes are across bridges.
Lovely frames. This is one of the longest bridges in Karnataka and offers lovely views of the river.
Amazing pics
Bless you for showing your daughters wond ers!?
I'm so glad no one hit you from behind! 🙂
While traveling through train over a bridge across Krishna river, I have seen people throwing coins into the river..
Lovely perspectives you chose. That is a VERY long bridge.
A fire truck?! That was an unexpected sight!
Great horizon shot, Indrani and a welcome contribution to Sunday Bridges.
Wow! That is a looooong bridge! 😀
I admire your enthusiasm to take these shots. That's not a fire engine.:)
nice pic….!!
Could be a fire engine! 😉 The sheer length of the bridge amazes me!
Wonderful photos!!!
And no traffic…amazing!!
Lovely photos, I love the colours and the light in the first one.
Happy Sunday:)
a mail truck? like postman pat?
How come there is no other vehicles? Were you filming a Bollywood movie, so the govt closed the bridge? LOL
Haha.. a woman after my own heart… I do that kind of thing all the time, Indrani! But it has its rewards… funky bridge shots you got here! I must also add that at first I was amazed there was no traffic… like in China, I expect people everywhere all the time… but really, in the countryside it can be so peaceful.
That is a really long bridge. Brave of you to stop, get out, and shoot some shots!
Really beautiful perspectives of the bridge!
That's a long one! Nice shot!
i love the second photo…i hope it's not a tow truck ready to rescue you.:p
What is life if full of care. … We have no time to stand and stare
I like that you have the passion and enthusiasm to "stand and stare". And all of us stand to benefit from it 🙂
I think it's a bus and I love these photos very much.
I've never been on a bridge like that…. and thanks for standing in the middle of the road for us x
Wow – amazing composition. Love the lone red vehicle on that endless bridge.
This must be the longest bridge in the world!!! It looks immense!
This reminds me of the dam across Tungabhadra.
And the red dot is most certainly the "Town Bus" which hasn't had a change in colour scheme for a-g-e-s in these parts! 🙂
Seems endless, the way you captured it!
You must have taken lot more shots !
Tell us what vehicle was that. :0
I really like the perspectives you've captured of this bridge. It has to be one of the longest bridges I've seen.