Palatine Hills Rome – Tour with Combined Tickets
The inside of Palatine Hills Rome is like a lost world, such a contrast when compared with the busy modern world of Rome just outside the walls. A vast area, there is no end to discovering interesting nooks and corners; provided you are interested in ruins. Palatine Hill is scattered with skeletal remains of once glorious ancient Roman era.
7 Hills of Rome
Modern Rome comprises of 7 hills of ancient Rome. How many have you seen?
Of these 7 hills 5 are now transformed into beautiful sites of sites of monuments, buildings, and parks. They are Aventine, Caelian, Esquiline, Quirinal, and Viminal Hills. If you intend to tour all the Seven Hills of Rome you will need to plan a good 7 day itinerary of Rome alone.
I had sufficient time to tour just one – the Palatine Hill. It is the main archeological area of Rome, with mass scale of work still going on. There are hopes of excavating more historical remains. The Capitoline Hill is the location of Rome’s city hall, looks GRAND!
Palatine Hills History
According to legends that go around this place is that the hill had a cave known as the Lupercal. It was here the twin brothers Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf Lupa. The abandoned infants were suckled by the she-wolf that kept them alive. This scene is depicted by statues in several places. I saw one in Pisa and one in The Parisian Macao Hotel in Macau.
It is said that Romulus founded this city of Rome on this sacred hill by consulting the flight of birds. This was according to Etruscan rite that was practiced then.
Stadium of Domitian
This was built between AD 81 and 96. Did the architects of modern stadiums take a leaf out of this history book on Palatine Hill? It has what seems like a running track 160m in length and 47m in width.

Stadium of Domitian on Palatine Hills Rome
Virtual Visit to Palatine Hill
To make the tour ‘a memorable experience’ imagine you are one of those Roman citizens who existed centuries back. Robe yourself in those colorful clothes; imagine the emperors walking past you and you and your friends waving at them… The whole area has such a wonderful old world charm that the dreamer in you will resurface again and again visualizing various scenes.

Remains of covered corridors Cryptoporticus

Domus Augustana – 3 storey building used by emperors of Byzantine times initially and then as offices for high dignitaries of the empire.
While some of the walls still had parts of those decorations, some of the arches seemed to lead to darkness as if luring you to find more secrets. The remains of a stadium, of banquet halls, of fountains speak of lot of history, all you need is time and patience to hear all of it, rather see them.
Palatine Museum
This is within the Palatine Hill complex. The museum has a good display of objects found during excavations carried out here since 1800s. Fractured marble sculptures, reliefs, statues, capitals, stone slabs with inscriptions are worth seeing. They are adding more and more exhibits as newer old stuffs are being discovered. All are labelled well with brief descriptions thankfully they allow photography here.

This had the name – Ninfa
Palatine Hill Tour with Combined Tickets
If you have just a day to spare for touring historical sites of Rome best option would be to do the Palatine Hills Tour with Combined Tickets to other Sights of Rome. I took this option for my family of 4. The combined ticket to Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine turned out useful and a big money saver.

My kids reading up on Palatine Hills while touring the place to connect with history
Tips to Visit the Palatine Hill
- Do the Palatine Hills Tour with Combined Tickets to other Sights of Rome. All three can be done in one day.
- Lot of walking around on uneven grounds therefore best option would be to wear suitable footwear.
- If visiting during summers a hat and protection with sunscreen is must.
- No washroom facilities within the complex.
- Study the route map in Palatine Hill, it can help you stay focused and save time.
Robe yourself in those colorful clothes; imagine the emperors walking past you and you and your friends waving at them. we can be a king for a day in dreams . Beautiful places , you are visiting . Most of these places are very wide and take too long time to know and understand everything !!
PS Thanks for following my blog on Google. I'm still trying to figure how that will work out.
Now I'm really glad I saw this post, because I didn't get up to this vantage point during my visit. It's a great favor to share your view.
It must have been a great experience to have walked among these ruins.
Wonderful place, well captured. If ruins are this good.. How would it have been in the ancient days!
Ruins are always more interesting than the real building. They tickle the imagination and encourage you to read about history. Thanks for this interesting post.
I like the grass on the last photo, but you won't like to know what it reminds me of, In Singapore, Chinese graves are like that.
Those Romans sure loved beauty!
Great perspectives of the Palatine Hill, I enjoy them!
Wonderful glimpses of ancient Roman ruins.
Amazing ruins !!!!
Creative shots …
Looks very spooky there.
Very fascinating, Indrani.
Magnificent photos, very interesting ruins. Greetings.
Great shots of the ruins, you did have my imagination wondering back to this time. Wonderful photos, Indrani. Have a great week!
I love those shots,cheers Indrani.
Indrani, you do such a good job of bringing the ancient wonders of Europe to us. I love history, so I am quite at home in this realm.
(yes, one must not miss one's opportunities.)
spectacular shots. walking through these ruins would definitely take me centuries back.
What fabulous shots of the ruins! Fascinating to see so much history still left for us to enjoy…
Love the ruins. You toured the entire country did you?
Oh, how I would to wander through those ruins — just me and my imagination! Fantastic captures as always, Indrani! Hope you have a wonderful week!