Lensball Photography Amazing Results, a Review
The first time I saw Lensball Photography in Instagram it seemed like magic to me! Only after looking into the pictures in detail I realized it was pure Physics and lot of creativity. There are such unique amazing captures in several insta feed! It got me more curious and excited. I ended up ordering one for myself from Amazon.
During my recent trip to Lombok Indonesia I carried the Lensball with me and I really enjoyed using it. With Lensball travel photography I got amazing results. Especially during sunset you can get really creative to capture the setting sun. Earlier capturing the setting sun was thrilling when there were colorful clouds. With Lensball travel photography experience got richer.
What is Lensball
Lensball is a sphere made of colorless glass. The surface is smooth and flawless. If held with dirty fingers the surface gets smudgy and the quality of the picture reduces considerably. Each time I handled it I was cautious, I think more cautious than when I am eating food.
Lensball comes in several different sizes. Two of the most popular ones are: Small one, called the Lensball Pocket. It is 60mm and weighs 250g. The bigger Lensball Pro is 80mm and weighs 650g. I went in for the larger one, the only disadvantage I felt – it was heavy.
Then there are marble sized 40mm, 100mm orange sized and 120mm grapefruit size. So if you are into product photography or still life photography you do have a good choice.
How the Lensball works
The Lensball works on simple 10th grade concepts of Optics in Physics. It is based on refraction of light. Light gets refracted (it is different from simple reflection) when it passes from air to denser medium (in this case – glass).
Since this is a sphere light gets refracted 180degrees and you get an inverted image within the sphere. So, this is basically a 180degree lens quite similar to the one you have in your own camera. Advantage is getting an unique image which your camera can’t!
You get such stunning images of the objects you focus. One is the image is inverted and add to that the ‘fisheye’ effect where the image bulges at the center and fades away at the ends. Imagine upturned trees, the horizon with setting or rising sun, humans! The list is endless and the results set fire to your creative genes! From that perspective I feel every photographer should own one.
How to take pictures with Lensball
There are 2 ways you can take pictures with Lensball; one is hold it one hand click with your camera or mobile with other. While you are able to take amazing captures, the disadvantages are you are left with lesser mobility. Also the Lensball is heavy and can tire you after some time.
The other option is to go hands free; small stands are available for Lensball. You can place it on the stand and take pictures by changing your position for different compositions.
- Once you have decided on the subject to focus on; check for the most important factor to take the picture, that is the angle.
- If you are holding the lens ball in one hand, position the camera at the same level with the other hand.
- Center your subject as perfectly as possible for the complete inverse image.

Center the subject in Lensball. I should have lowered the Lensball for a better picture.
- Your subject should be brightest; if it is blurred chances are that other brighter images will give out stronger refracted light rays. The resultant image will have unwanted subjects.
- Try and blur the surroundings and get sharp focus on the inverted image.
Compare the 2 images shared below. You can notice the drastic change in quality of the pictures with a change in focus.

Focus on surroundings

Focus on Lensball
This is one instance where you have to compose the subject well for best results because the camera settings and camera remains the same as it would with normal photography.
Tips for Lensball Use
As I mentioned before avoid handling the Lensball with dirty hands. Over a period of time the fine scratches will accumulate the dirt.
The Lensball comes in a good pouch, always keep the Lensball in it after use.
The 80mm Pro Lensball is heavy but fits well in palm. Less chances of it rolling away yet one has to be careful.
Leading line photography and round object photography yields the best dramatic pictures.

Lensball box and cover
If you are very adventurous try out flying Lensball photography, where you throw the Lensball with one hand and click with other hand. If you are fast enough catch the ball if it falls to ground or ask your friend to catch it. I am yet to try this.
Cost of Lensball
The smaller is approximately $30 and the larger one, Lensball Pro, costs approximately $40.
In Indian currency from Amazon the 80 mm Crystal Ball with Black Gift Box and Velvet Pouch costs 1099INR
Looks pretty cool Indrani and I did not know that it’s only $30, looks totally worth it for getting some creative pictures. I’m always up for trying something new and I love what you’ve done with the sunset picture there.
I’m glad I bumped into your post. I wanted to know about lensball and now I understand that it’s not really for us. Even though the results of the photography is amazing and I think it’s fun to play with it, my husband and son’s hands are somehow always dirty. lol. And it’s not that light, so it will make my bag even heavier as I know I will be the one who will carry it. Maybe later in the future I will change my mind. Thanks for the good honest review.
Great review!! I had one of these few months ago and it does help you get some amazing shots. I liked mine when I took it to a park during Autumn and it just bought the right color and due to the ball. Glad you wrote such a comprehensive review you truly mentioned everything.
It’s really cool. I will try it out definitely!
Wow, Lensball looks interesting. It seems so futuristic. The effects look pretty cool and neat but having to carry that huge ball of glass wouldn’t be worth it.
I must admit that I have been tempted to buy a lensball. I love the interesting photos that you got with it. And the tips you provided for getting the best shots. But the weight of adding this to my suitcase always caused me to stop shopping.
When I saw Lensball Photography in your article it seemed like magic to me as you felt after seeing first time. I would love to use lens ball and use my physics concepts of 10th standard as I loved refraction and reflection subjects during my school. It is good you have suggested sone different kind of lens ball and also how to handle them with care, especially no touching by dirty hands.
This is what my husband was talking about. It is definitely amazing and the key to really wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing this information in detail. Now, I can’t wait to ket my own lens ball.
I have seen this before somewhere (cant remember where) and have actually given it a bit of thought. But after seeing your results, I could see this enhancing my photography skills to the next level. I might look into this more now.
After seeing you use it, I am very tempted to experiment with it. I think, sunsets give a great result too. I would love to even capture some mountains with it. That should be fun too. Cheers to all your tips on this subject. Will be sure to use them
Really neat device Indrani. I dig it. I am slowly but surely becoming a more skilled photo snapper as I circle the globe. Definitely an art we need develop.