Lady Lighting Oil Lamps in Indian Temple
Best time to visit Indian temples is early morning or early evenings. I always make it a point to visit temples in the morning, as early as possible. It is that time of the day when not many devotees are around, and inside the temple complex I find the atmosphere so different.
Why should we Visit Temples?
Temples are located strategically at a place where the positive energy is abundantly available from the magnetic and electric wave distributions of north-south pole alignment. The main idol is placed in the core center of the temple known as Garbhagriha or Moolasthanam. This point is where the earth’s magnetic waves are found to be maximum. Beneath the idol copper plates with holy Vedic inscriptions are placed.
These copper plates absorb earth’s magnetic waves and radiates it to surrounding. Thus a person taking pradakshina absorbs the reflected magnetic waves. It is a slow process and regular visits help absorb more positive energy.
The temple is open to the vast sky getting beautifully painted by the rising sun. It is surrounded by huge walls as if accepting only blessings from up above and trying to prevent the not so pious surroundings from entering the pious complex.
The floor of the temple is a good conductor of positive energy and this gets transferred to human body through bare feet. Hence it is important to leave foot wear outside the temple.
There are huge stone slabs all around, one can sit and spend time watching the various temple activities. The devotees around the pools for purification and cleansing, devotees doing their pradakshinas, some of them around the small shops in the complex purchasing the ritual items for worship are all a sight to see… so common yet so different.
Why we do Pradakshina?
Once we are done praying we go around the inner temple in a clock-wise direction at least three times. This is done because it is believed that while doing pradakshina or parikrama we can absorb all the positive energies that are activated in the temple.
Lady Lighting Lamps
It was during one of the pradakshinas I was taking around the Devarajaswamy Temple, Kanchipuram I came across this sight of an old lady filling lamps with ghee(Indian clarified butter). She was pouring ghee in to the lamps with so much of concentration and devotion, I stood still watching her just like my daughters were. It looked such an interesting activity that I found myself wanting to do the same thing.
Initially the lady was hesitant to look at me and I was equally hesitant to take her shots. Then a ten rupee note broke the ice between us.
She paused at her work and posed for me. Each lamp sells for five rupees she said, as I continued taking her shots. They would be purchased by the devotees who would light them and offer them in thanksgiving to the deity of the temple.
All the while my mind was calculating: the lamp, the wick, ghee together will surely cost more than five rupees, then, what is her profit? Labor charges??
Why devotees light lamps in temples?
General practice of devotees in Hindu tradition is to offer different elements for different Hindu Gods. They offer fire, water, incense sticks for air, vermilion, sandal wood paste for earth and prayers going up to sky!
Lighting lamps in temples signify burning all vices in front of God Himself! When it is lit for different Gods they signify seeking special benefits and blessings! For example lighting lamps in front of Lord Krishna and Radha is for seeking happy married life.
Devarajaswamy Temple, Kanchipuram is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, who is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. Lighting lamp here signifies removal of ignorance and vices and helps the devotee to accomplish more achievements in life.

This picture of mine was selected in Daily dozen of National Geographic magazine.
Benefits of lighting lamps with ghee or sesame oil
Ghee or clarified butter is considered more pure than all other forms of oil. It is believed to attract more satvik (spiritually pure) vibrations present in the atmosphere. The vibrations are believed to spread till heaven. When ghee oil stops burning the vibrations are believed to last even after 4 hours!
There are benefits of lighting lamps with sesame oil too. Some devotees light sesame oil lamp in the evening to reduce the ill effects of planets and get the blessings of favorable planets. But secretly I think sesame seed oil is much cheaper than ghee, so it is used widely at homes.
Lady Lighting Oil Lamps at Home
It is a tradition in Hindu homes to light lamps, especially earthen lamp under Tulsi plant. And most often its is the lady lighting oil lamps for home. But certain rules and rituals are associated with this.
Direction of lamp is never towards south, as it is considered to be abode of Lord Yama, God of death. Ideally the lamp is lit houses in the evenings, because that is the time it is believed that evil spirits loiter around, trying to sneak into houses.
A lit lamp, especially with ghee keeps evil spirits away. In Kerala, where I grew, it is popularly known as Sandhya Vilakku.
How to turn off lit lamps?
It is very important to follow the correct practice to turn off lamps lit for worshiping Gods. I can never forget how my mom scolded me for blowing off the lamp lit for God.
One must never blow off a lamp as you do with birthday candles. She made me light the lamp again and asked me to use a flower to snuff it off. It took me some time and courage to finally do the act then.
Or you can pull back the wick of the lamp into oil. Take care to pour just sufficient oil to keep it burning for short periods.
Some great pictures there.
She was selling those lamps too? Initially I thought she was making an offering.
Awesome shots!
So vivid ! The lines on the lady's face hold so many untold stories of a life rich in experience. Such faces are always more beautiful and interesting than dolled up faces.
I too love the morning visits to the temple.
Beautiful pictures. You have paid attention to something which we always ignore.
ah. Indrani.. leave it you to capture the interesting scenes that evades the eyes of many…
Nice capture with equally good pics and lines…:)
Wonderful pics to tell your story!
Ive seen and experiences different vignettes of life in indian temples that add to the spiritual feel..ive often spent time away from the deity just to spend more time with the mortals..maybe shd do a post on this 🙂
Hi Indrani! Lovely post! Maybe she doesn't care for the profit…
Witing for you at Blogtrotter, which is firmly back to an amazing building… ;)). Enjoy and have a great weekend!
I really like such kind of photo-documentary
what lovely shots, you compose your pictures so beautifully, its a treat for the eyes!!
I love learning more about your world. Thanks for sharing and the beautiful photos!
These are gestures ancient and simple: the truth is often found right here …
Wonderful series!
Interesting. The lady and ghee lamps stole the space here. Devotion is beyond any price.
Very nice post Indrani, love the last 2 post's a lot and great photo's as always 🙂
I loved the last pic the pattern created by the ghee filled lamps besides the empty lamps is grt to look at.
Very nice pictures, especially the second one! Could easily be mistaken for a shot of a chocolate-marshmallow type manufacturing unit 🙂
Your thoughts were those of a commercial culture. There still are people who are happy to work for a pittance in the service of their God.
I like the way you've portrayed her story and made it so interesting.
I have seen devotees doing sundry work but never thought of taking pictures.
You captured her facial expression well. Very interesting to learn other cultures through blogging. I am also surprised the use of clarified butter instead of parafin or wax.
Indrani, thanks for this post, I have learned something new.
Very beautifully described with lovely photos. I like each and every post of yours.
These really came out nice. The picture of the woman is great. You got your money's worth 🙂
What a wonderful post and what a wonderful face she has! Stunning!
Your photos are just priceless! You have captured something I have never had the privilege to see, so beautifully.
A scene that most of us have observed, but have never thought of recording them as you have. Lovely pictures.
How fascinating, and stunning macro and portrait. I can see how watching her pouring could become so absorbing.
The lady and the lamps were really photogenic. The rows of lamps were so abstract and filled with visions. The work and the result in the everlasting way. Thoughtful post.
Beauty and art and devotion – what a combination!
Wonderful post. When I think of candles – I think of solid wax and not butter. Fascinating.
Great shots and a very interesting post. I love the portrait of the lady. So well photographed.
So beautiful! U have captured an interesting shot!
A very funny woman
from your country
I can read her mood on her face 🙂
(Live and work but do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it 🙂
Preparing lamps for lighting
(its total new for me !!)
But interesting …
Have fun today
Anya 🙂
Kareltje =^.^=
So fascinating! And I love the way she carries out her humble duties with pride and devotion, thus making her act so beautiful.
such an awesome post about our tradition and culture and life.
What an interesting post,Indrani! One sentence struck me as being important for the structures of temples:"The temples are open to the vast sky but surrounded by huge walls as if accepting only blessings from up above". That is a beautiful thought.
Beautiful shots of the candles/lamps – what an interesting post.
Interesting that ghee is used. It's like the wax candles used for burning aromatheraphy.
Great shots and interesting observation. Maybe she takes back the lamps later. Not sure how she manages to sell ghee so cheaply.
Again a new look at something that we take for granted. Wonderful pics
great pics, Indrani… i have seen these women often, but never even thought of capturing them on camera..but this is one job i do often at home…. preparing lamps for lighting! :-)) we light lots and lots of lamps this month, and they have to prepared in advance.. shall send u my pics too…
and about the cost, they do make a profit.. not much, but it is enough as a side-earning… the lamps are re-used… the wicks cost practically nothing, since they are available at Rs. 5 for a big bunch, or they make it with cotton, which is even cheaper….only the ghee costs money….
I like the way you have captured the photos. Yes, it is indeed a common practise in most of the 'Banashankari' temples. At least in the vicinity where i live, lighting up similar lamps made of lemon is thought to bring in good things into life.
Look very interesting and colourful like a piece of art. Nice shot.
Another very interesting look at your world, Indrani! Love your photos and the information that you include — makes the photos all the more interesting!
Enjoy your day!