Faces of India – 4 Warli Painting Artist from Maharashtra
She is Warli painter by profession, she sits proudly in front of her works. I clicked her here in Bangalore during an art and crafts exhibition. She has learned this art in her childhood and enjoys doing it. Only now, since some years she realized the scope of selling her art.
Faces of India
a series through which I intend to portray the various characters of my country whom I met during my travels. I bring back souvenirs, frozen moments from my travels, why not some memories of people I have met and interacted during the travels. Faces of India is a weekly series in my blog since MARCH 2011. See more here…

Warli Painting Artist
You can see some of her work here: Warli Paintings: Heritage Art of Maharashtra
Talented lady with a sparkling smile !!
That’s great to bring such talent on the blog, Indrani. She is graceful:)
Nice click Indrani.. 🙂
She’s got a beautiful smile!!!
A very candid click Indrani.Her skill and pride in her work shows through.
Beautiful lady with a love for Art. Her smile is gorgeous.
Such a cheerful lady 🙂
Such a calm homely look, and the saree that she’s wearing- so typical. Great shot!
What a lively and happy face…great capture… 🙂
Beautiful smile. Nice capture 🙂
Graceful lady with lovely smile 🙂
Beautiful portrait
Beautiful pictures and amazing post……
Beautiful smile . Your journey in this way is going different and amazing !!
Such a beautiful smile and equally beautiful painting.
I love everything about her – her infectious smile, the vitality of her personality, the gorgeous sari she is wearing, and of course the fact that she is a Warli artist. Thanks for bringing her so close to us through this wonderful picture!
Yes I fully understand that Beloo. Even when I was conversing with her I could feel the positive vibes from her. Thank you for the lovely comment. 🙂
Lovely bright smile captured!
Simple yet so beautiful.
What a smile!
Great idea – I'm looking forward to seeing more of these.
Very nice woman and smile, so genuine!
Great smile that you have captured
What an outstanding smile.
Exploring Chengalpet
Fashion Panache – Patiala Salwar Bottoms
What a wonderful smile! Great portrait.
A beautiful art photography!
interesting series…
thanks for sharing
just wonderful and so innocent .
She is so beautiful, Indrani. I love to see Indian women, especially clad in saris or other traditional dress.
Lovely, happy looking lady. I am so glad you are featuring things from your country. I do so enjoy seeing and learning about things there.
that smile can launch a thousand ships 🙂
Great portrait!! What a beautiful smile and her work is amazing!
She is beautiful and smiling, I do hope that she is smiling all of the time, brilliant photo.
What a beautiful smile ! so fresh !
She looks very friendly !!
You take the most beautiful portraits of most lovely subjects.
Very beautiful lady!
This is a beautiful portrait. I'm really enjoying your series.
She seems to be happy and proud of her works. I have to be happy with her too.
Excellent portrait, a nice smile and very natural.
i'm liking the new face series you're featuring.
each face features an emotion that others may find intense or intriguing.
i'd be looking forward to more of these lovely portraits.
well photographed! ^0^
Wonderful! u meet interesting people!
What a lovely portait and thats a delightful smile!
Great shot of a beautiful woman.
Indrani, you captured her beautifully. Gorgeous photo.
This woman is very beautiful. The Warlis are very interesting people. Do they only paint on walls? I looked it up in Wikipedia.Thanks for this beautiful face! Have a great week, or what's left of it.
Beautiful and fotogenic, i like women with smiles on her faces.
greetings, Joop