Everyday Battle with Stray Cattle on Bangalore Roads
This post is based on everyday battle with stray cattle, one of the major challenges you face when you travel on Bangalore roads. It is the battle with cattle let loose on roads that loiter around aimlessly.
Battle With Stray Cattle on Bangalore Roads
Have you been late to office? If yes, did you feel like blaming a cow for it or goats or may be ducks? Bangalore roads are famous for one way traffic on most of them. They have been specially planned to avoid traffic chaos, but not much has been done on cattle front. One still faces the challenges posed by the dumb bovines at peak hours of traffic. To get across them, without harming them is a challenge!

Battle with stray cattle of Bangalore roads
Encounter with Monkeys in Yercaud
Sometime back during one of my trips to Yercaud, our vehicle was surrounded by a group of langurs, one of them even climbed on the bonnet and refused to budge. We halted, vehicles behind us too halted… now, do we enjoy the challenge posed by this guy?
I would have enjoyed watching this guy’s tantrums and challenges, but with constant honking of cars behind us, I decided to entice the guy with a bunch of bananas. It was shown to him first and thrown to the edge of the road. Whew! Soon he was out of sight.

Langurs on Bonnet during road trip to Yercaud
What does one do when one is confronted with whole new concept of dining in the middle of the road? Kids have their way, you know! When they want lunch, they want lunch and mama has to oblige!
They were right in the middle of the road and I saw the mama goat dragging its two kids hooked to her udders to the side of the road. It was an amazing sight and it dawned quite late on me to take a pic. Can you take the challenge of disturbing them? I relished the sight of the kids relishing their lunch.
Well, these are the daily challenges one has to face while commuting through Bangalore roads, such incidents are not too frequent but when they happen they are memorable. I relish these little challenges on roads, of maneuvering, slowing and avoiding these divine bovines. Do you?
Gorgeous photos of the beautiful animals! and the monkey just hop on the front part of the car?!?!! =O
Clearly, when they say it's a jungle out there on our desi roads, they are not joking!
This post reminds me of Russel Peters video when he presents the same scene of Mumbai.
hahaha.. second pic .. the monkey block awesome catch 🙂
fabulous photos 🙂
It happens only in India! 😀
Come to Delhi and you'll have pigs and elephants too on the National Highway 24. 🙂
Oh yes! Road travel is so much fun and some of the moments like these it brings along are so interesting. This was a fun post, enjoyed reading it completely 🙂
Oh my a monkey too.. & I love the monkey pic most 😀
Hahahaha….I love the monkey shot..Pretty Awesome Click…
haha….what a topic to blog about…(y)
this is simply mind blowing post !!
The clicks remind me of my daily encounter with monkeys in Varanasi when I stayed there for a month !!
yes, it's a challenge to be driving on Indian Roads!!
I've heard that cattle can be a challenge in India. Here it's humans with cell phones not paying attention to where they are going. (You probably have that problem too!)
Nice captures Indrani.
Of late I am happy that these creatures are around, for they force at least the saner drivers to slow down.
i can't help thinking of the less fortunate strays on Indian roads and highways – cats, dogs, and occasionally, low-flying birds…
nice experience…
Astonishing and unusual for me, Indrani! Interesting!
Its nice, monkey on your bonnet, the goat feeding her babes, its beautiful.
Nice catch. Dining in the middle of rad new to me.
The last two sounds interesting and unusual… but the cows are quite nuisance in middle of traffic. Here on the OMR (IT corridor road) there are number of cows wander across the road and they even sleep by the side of corridor.
hey its the same up here north…cows, pigs, dogs…all do the bit they can…
Now those are definitely challenges…here the challenge is road construction!! And a bunch of bananas won't do the trick that is for sure. Ha
Oh, what amazing shots! Gives a whole new meaning to getting late to the office due to traffic!
that last photo of kids dining is hilarious. Driving in some countries presents a lot of unique challenges with the animals involved.
Monkey roadblock!
Aloha, dear Indrani
That is not a sight that one sees frequently here, but in the outlying areas I have come face to face with a few cows — no horses and certainly no monkeys!! Great shots though! Hope you're enjoying a good weekend — cow, goat and monkey free!
oh, goodness! we have livestock that gets loose on the roads once in a while, but it is not a wide-spread, all-the-time thing, here. 🙂