Carpet Weaving in Rajasthan – Rugs and Dhurri Weaving

Another nameless weaver toiling all day long, sitting at his loom at his house… he is weaving a durrie (a floor rug), a dream dhurrie, to add color to your crystal studded drawing and living rooms with age-old handcrafting techniques. He selects the yarn, dyes it in different colors, and weaves interesting patterns with exciting colors… all in his house. He is single handedly running this small scale industry. Carpet weaving is a means of livelihood in many villages and towns of Rajasthan.

Indian handmade dhurrie , rugs, carpets are very much in demand in market. Durries, rugs, and carpets are famous takeaways from Rajasthan. They are the original rugs of India, dating as long back as 200 AD. The art of dhurri making is one of the best preserved weaving tradition in Rajasthan.

Traditional carpet weaving

We watched the dhurrie weaving process. Skills required for dhurrie weaving is a lot different from weaving cotton or silk sarees.

Carpet Weaving in Rajasthan

The villages of Rajasthan are dotted with many such houses providing a steady supply of durries and rugs to the market. They use primitive ground looms and natural dyes. The colors are fast and washable and the weaves interlocked in such a way that the rugs are reversible. They are light yet durable, casual yet ethnic, simple yet stylish and so sought after by rich and poor alike.

Age old handcrafting technique for weaving rugs

Carpet weaving Rajasthan – durries

The carpet weaving was introduced to India by weavers of Afghanistan in the 17th century. Dhurries, the rugs traditionally belong to India.  Their origin traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. With time the two weaving traditions blended and gave the Indian carpet industry a plethora of designs and themes making them more aesthetic.

Today this art has flourished and is the main source of income for many small time businessmen. Many variations have come up, there are not just cotton dhurries, silk and woolen varieties made of camel and goat hair, too are available.

Small carpets make an ideal takeaway as souvenirs for home. I saw modern versions of carpets and rugs in Sharjah: Shopping Souvenirs in Sharjah UAE.

At one corner I saw raw materials heaped up. It had dyed pile yarns, adhesives and spools of fiber. It was satisfying to see him work with manual looms and charkhas. They have avoided mechanization which meant this was providing labor to local people and make them financially independent.

The weaver showed us dhurries of different shapes, sizes and colors. No two pieces were same. And when you see so many, the mind starts working in different directions, in different rooms, in all combination and permutations. May be one for the children’s room with animal motifs…

Interested in Weaving forms of India? See here: Paithani Silk Weaver

Rajasthani wall Carpet

Rajasthani wall Carpet

Types of Handwoven Dhurries/Rugs

  • Cotton flat weaves are the most fine quality rugs with 100 % fast color. wet dyeing process gives fixed color that doesn’t fade. They are reversible and last atleast 50 years. Another name for these is cotton panja durries.
  • Hemp Handmade Rugs use hemp made with natural jute material. These carpets are minimum 10 mm thick, reversible and are more rougher compared to the cotton flat weave rugs.
  • Wool jute dhurry rug – the warp in wool and the weft is jute. The ratio is 30% wool and 70% jute.
Carpet Weaving in Rajasthan

Colorful Rajasthani Durries – Carpet Weaving in Rajasthan

Many carpet sellers in Rajasthan give a guarantee of two years for the colors. Usually the colors last longer, all depends on how it is used and where it is placed. I saw several Jaipur rugs and carpets. Very voluminous packs, I was tempted to get some but backed away.

Most carpet weavers and sellers are willing to ship them to buyers’ residences so that they don’t loose commissions to middlemen. Now with online selling facilities through websites the local artists are able to sell dhurries and rugs online in India.


Have you liked this form of Rajasthan textiles? Next time you are in any city of Rajasthan seek out these handwoven treasures, check out how carpet weaving is done in Rajasthan. Buy local stuff and contribute to their economy.

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Traditional Carpet Weaving Rajasthan India

(Updated post. This was first written on Dec 15th, 2008.)

Marbled Ghat of Rajsamand Lake Udaipur, Rajasthan
Rajasthani Men and their Moustaches - A Photo Essay

38 Responses to “Carpet Weaving in Rajasthan – Rugs and Dhurri Weaving

  • Yogi Saraswat
    9 years ago

    Great post ! Although it is very old but gives a fabulous information . If I am right , this type of weaving is very famous in Banaras and in Bhadohi of UP .

  • Fabulous weavings… Thanks for showing us a bit of your world.

  • i have always wondered about the true difference between a turkish kilim or the indian dhurrie. they are somewhat the same but there is a subtle difference – do you know?

  • I know of these rugs, and have seen them in stores here in Canada, so it’s really special to see where they come from! That man (and others like him) are true artists, and I hope they are well paid for their talent and efforts! Such beautiful designs and images. I would ask dozens of questions, want to know all the stories in a place like that!

  • Beautiful craftsmanship in those rugs. Looks very peaceful environment to work in. Happy WW! 🙂

  • Beautiful rugs. I love the colors and designs. I hope these weavers are making a decent wage.

  • What a beautiful collection of dhurries! These men are artists but get so little recognition!

  • The write-up is well-woven into the beautiful pictures. This is what gives a distinct identity to your blog.

  • Thanks for visiting and leaving a message on my blog. I’m always glad when new people do so as it gives me the opportunity to discover new blogs myself, and yours is fantastic. These Dhurries are great – I want one!

  • Very nice post. It is pretty amazing to see these weavers in action.
    I cant believe that they make carpets with camel and goat hair!!

  • I love Dhurries. They were so popular around here in the 80’s and early 90’s and though I don’t see them too often anymore, I’d still love to have one, and was in fact thinking of them just this morning. Lovely post!

  • Wow! That’s interesting. Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂

  • a most interesting post and the photos are great as well. what is with the chili and lemon on the ceiling of the house?

    thanks for sharing.

  • I have never heard of dhurries. They are works of art, beautiful indeed. They would make a nice wall hanging too in a smaller size.

  • Those are incredible!! How can you put a price on them?! Like you..I started thinking…what room?

    Thank you for coming by yesterday and leaving me with such sweet words of comfort. Truly brought peace to my heart. Hugs…

  • Interesting post of those beautiful dhurries:)

  • Indrani, have a personal weakness for dhurries. Really interesting to read about them in this post.
    Is this truly a village home or a govt.set up?
    You’ve even caught the chilli-lemon charm. Great pics.

  • It is good to hanmade goods still alive. Interesting post with some lovely images of his work.

  • Indrani: What wonderful indricate design are woven in your world.

  • this is indeed a wonderful post! as always!

  • It is always a pleasure to see real artisans at work, also their use of natural dyes. A really wonderful post. I would dearly have liked too see thei dye processes as well.

  • I love his passion for what he’s doing!

  • Simply awesome and brilliant ….i love my country 🙂

  • Pretty Me stole my words…..

  • you never fail to showcase the real colors of India 🙂

  • did some one say ECO Friendly ??

  • Beautiful story and pictures. I was thinking about bloggers who write about where they live, and was going to add a link to yours tomorrow. Who knew there was a central place for these (My World). Will link to that also. Hope it’s okay to link to yours in the post – let me know if not.

  • Very intersting and nice pictures. Thanks for sharing your world.

  • A master artist at work. I love Dhurries. I don’t have one, but my mother’s home is filled with them. Perhaps she just couldn’t choose just one!

  • May those artisans prosper. What are the costs like? Also their looms are the ‘sustinable’ type, I feel.

  • Nice, I got a chance to visit Charaka, a handloom industry at Sagara. They are open to tourists and will very nicely explain the different sources of natural colours and tradtional weaving techniques.

  • BEAUTIFUL.. I would love to have these all over my home.. beautiful. thanks for sharing

  • What beautiful artistry! Thank you for showing this scene from your world!

  • Very beautiful carpets. Love the designs on them. Happy Tuesday.

  • Beautiful. What a clean athmosphere. I can almost imgine living and working there, focused, mind at peace, not hurried and hunted and poisoned like in the city.

  • Low impact industry with wonderful effect. Hope they never die out.

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