Dhunuchi Naach during Durga Puja Festival
Dhunuchi Naach is to Bengalis what Dandiya is to Gujarati people! It is performed for Goddess on Maha Asthami after Sandhi Pujo. This is partly as a ritual and partly as merriment. Many pandals conduct competitions in which the youngsters participate very enthusiastically. What adds to the fun is the participation of non Bengalis too. It is mesmerizing to watch men and women perform this dance wearing traditional dresses. So much grace in sari and dhoti-kurta!

Dhunuchi Naach Durga Puja Bangalore
Dhunuchi translates to incense burner. Dhunuchi Naach, meaning dance holding hot earthen bowls filled up with burning charcoal covered with layers of coconut husks and powdered incense. The dancers hold the bowls in both their hands and mouth while the clay bowls emanate sweet smelling camphor and incense smoke.
It is a traditional dance where devotees dance to the beats of dhaks (drums). The earthen bowls are filled with dhuno, a combination of coconut husks, lots of camphor and incense sprinkled on them, which is lit. The husks burn slowly spreading out a sweet smelling smoke, which kind of intoxicates the devotees; they are soon into a gentle frenzy and start swaying to the beats of the dhaks. The aroma which comes from it is regarded as holy and is believed to have a purifying effect.

Dhunuchi Dance Ashtomi Pujo

Dhunuchi Dance materials

Solo dhunuchi naach with three lamps
I saw them dancing with one in hand, some with even two, one in each hand. And the experts hold one in their mouth too. It is during moments like this I experience a lot of difficulty controlling my addiction to photography and just let my ordinary human being self sit and enjoy the moment. The way they twist their arms and sway the hot dhuno without spilling the hot embers out is a sight to treasure… any wrong movement can mean burning feet and face. Her blessings shield all, so I believe!
Wow, I bet it's really hot even to hold!
Really interesting, well photographed!
You have so many special things in your country to share with us, Indrani, and I really feel blessed that you do this. India is such a special place to me and, until I can visit and witness some of these events myself, I love being able to do it vicariously through your marvelous photography. Many thanks.
Beautiful dance performances.
Thanks for sharing this posting. The wonderful thing about That's My World is that we get to learn about so many places and things. Also, thanks for stopping by and visitng me. I love your profile picture. 🙂
Nice to see, and lovely photos! Have good days! 🙂
Thanks for showing us!
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
Amazing. It would take immense skill to do these dances without getting burned. I can't even imagine it. Thank you for sharing this with us, Indrani.
Kay, Alberta, Canada
shubho bijoya!!!
the first pic is nice!!!
What a neat show, loved the photos. Thanks for sharing your world.
Wow, I had never heard of this type of dancing before!
And I can totally relate to the photography addiction – sometimes I feel I see things more through the lens of my camera than with my own eyes!
Simply amazing. Great post.
Very interesting go0d thing y0u have chance to see them,there were times i'd like to be free and just d0 the clicking but time is always to hard to find., weekend getaway @ kenting
Interesting! and nice captures.
Thanks for a very interesting and informative post. I really enjoyed your photos.
Looks like quite an interesting experience. I can only imagine how fragrant.
These are great shots and such an interesting post.
Fantastic captures, Indrani! And how fascinating! I would love to visit India and see the things I have read about on your and others blogs! Thanks for sharing these with us!
Oh, I can smell that lovely fragrance. Wonderful shots!
This used to be an integral part of Durga Puja festivities at my native place in Assam. Thanks for bringing alive the sweet memories.
Great shots, thanks for sharing these pictures and info.
india is so culturally rich that it should be on everybody's must visit places.
I learn so much here. I know what you mean. Sometimes the mental snapshots and videos are the best.
I think we who love photography can understand Indrani. I for one am very happy you took these photos. They are great and I also enjoyed learning about this ceremony. Thank you!
I have seen this when I used to attend the Durga Puja celebrations near my house, and its absolutely fascinating to see them!
Nice shots indeed!
Very nice images!
Wonderful photos. Such gymnastics with live embers is really scary !
Nice pictures Indrani….. well done.
greetings, Joop
very nicely captured..:)
I know what you mean. I went for a show where this guy was doing wonderful tricks with a football, I just resisted the urge to take a picture and sat back to enjoy it. It is clearly imprinted in my mind. Maybe, I cannot share it. Nice pictures here.