Brussels Comic Strip Murals and Street Art Belgium
During our walking tour of Brussels we chanced on this sight of huge mural painting on a wall of Tintin and Haddock. It appeared from nowhere, we took a turn and it was there!
Brussels Comic Strip Murals
Reading up we soon realized the city is a treasure house of comic book murals. Soon we were on treasure hunting spree. Kids were more keen to hunt out the walls painted with comic strips. I saw some more travelers with children indulging in the same activity. How much a more than life size favorite comic character excites!

Broussaille and his girlfriend
First Comic Strip Mural
The first comics were made in Belgium in the latter half of 1920s. Herge launched the first series of The Adventures of Tintin in January 1929. And the first comic strip mural came up in 1991 in Brussels. A 380sqft painting on the side of a building, the city’s first showpiece was that of Tintin mural. It depicted an action scene, that of Tintin and Haddock running down a staircase.
People of Brussels sure have a great liking for comic strips and this was a huge hit. There was demand for more! The city started painting more comic strips on walls all over the center ever since then. What a wonderful project!
Local residents today pass by it hardly giving a glance may be, but for tourists like us and kids who have grown up reading them it was a moment to worship!

Tin tin Mural Brussels
Walls with Humor and Color
Here in Bangalore too walls have mural paintings which are mostly themed around landscapes, places to see. I will be sharing some photos of those too. But nothing to beat this Brussels comic center. These murals add such a good splash of color and humor to the city’s profile. They are able to connect to all, national and international.
The best part is they do not divide or create hatred , like some walls in the world. Instead they humor people and hence so popular.

Collage of Comic Strip Murals Street Art in Brussels Belgium
In picture:
First row; 1. Nero, 2. Jojo, 3. don’t know.
Second row: 1. Asterix, 2. Blondin et Cirage, 3. Ric Hochet.
Third row: 1. Broussaille and his girlfriend, 2. Tintin and Haddock, 3. Cubitus.
Interested in more street art? Check this: Graffiti, Street Art of Bratislava, Slovakia
Help from Brussels Tourism Office
Tourists are taken on comic book route where you can see more. Since I didn’t take any Brussels guide, we did this comic strip hunting on our own. We did take help from Brussels tourism office, where we got some pointers and directions to the scattered top murals to check out in the city. You can chalk out the Brussels comic strip walk map with their help.
Another place to visit in Brussels with children is the Atomium.
That's so interesting to learn.
Great and more important fun murals!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
It's fun with wall paintings like this you show here!
Beautiful also! 🙂
I remember seeing the top mural when I was in Brussels a few years ago but the second one is new to me. Thanks for sharing.
I love the murals, they do show a great sense of humor. Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful week Indrani!
Oh I love those wall paintings. They are so cute!
very cool murals.
This place will put a smile on anyone's face. Great post!
Wonderful mural paintings of great quality.
Good to see Tintin, Haddock 🙂 Maybe you will see my other absolute favorite Belgian- Hercule Poirot on the next turn!
These show off a great sense of humor.
Haven't read him in years. Thank you for the memories. Please have a good Tuesday.
Fun murals. That would be surprising to encounter them.
What amazing murals. That first one is so life-like.
What terrific murals, Indrani! I, too, look forward to seeing more! Hope your week is off to a good start! Enjoy!
Great murals Indrani, I can't wait.
Have a Great Week
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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