Great West Door of Bern Cathedral Switzerland
The supreme attraction of Bern Cathedral is the central door at the main entrance. The Gothic sculptures over the main portal depict the Last Judgement. It is so well detailed and shows the separation of good and the wicked.
At the center on topmost arch over the door is Christ. On either side is Virgin Mary and John the Baptist. They are succeeded by 12 apostles. Second arch has figures of 8 prophets carrying plaques. The innermost arch has figures of 5 angels carrying objects representing instruments used for Christ’s torture.

Bern cathedral Door in Switzerland
to the right are the wicked depicted naked and in the left are the righteous clothed in white. In the center stands Micheal the Archangel with a raised sword. The angel is shown pulling the beard of a wicked character and the emotions so well expressed through these sculptures. There are 170 small figures, all original. A wire mesh provided, I guess it is to prevent pigeons settling on them. So much to see!
In the left the blessed are being led to the golden gates of heaven to be crowned by an angel. Martyrs and figures from the Old Testament ranged in heaven above them.
Now, the credits to the sculptor of this Bern Cathedral door in Switzerland: This famous panel was made by the sculptor, Erhard Küng from Stadtlohn, Germany. These were carved between the years 1460 to 1501.
You will like these DOORS of EUROPE
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- Wolf’s Door Aachen Cathedral Germany
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Splendid! Very nice posts on Bern!
Superb !
That's a beautiful cathedral.
The details are incredible! It's difficult to imagine how much time it would have taken to complete this project!
Brilliant shots Indrani.
informative indeed. nice idea for the yellow day too.
Lovely pictures. Have captured details very well.
Amazingly beautiful and such intricate delicate work!
What intricate work!
nice shots
Lovely pictures..such pretty and intricate details.
The illustrated Television of it's day!
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
The detail around this door is incredible — and beautiful. Thanks for sharing this with us.
incredible detailing.
Amazing, so beautiful and your shot is stunning!
Indrani – this is so beautiful..and, all the more so, because I have been there. My dear friend, Werner Bernhard, is head of forensic toxicology at the Legal Institute of Medicine in Bern and, twice, I've visited him and his family at their home near Interlaken. His son has come here for a month two different summers and my son, Jeremy, has spent two summers there. Quite by coincidence, Werner called this morning to say he'll be at a San Francisco conference in September and will stay a few days after to visit with me. It is so wonderful to have friends worldwide.
Hopefully, soon after that, I'll be India bound!
Beautiful pics! loved the detailing..
Thank you for sharing…I also love visiting old churches:)
Happy blogging:)