4 Unique Destination Dining in Jaisalmer by Suryagarh Resort

Stuffed to brim with food and happiness – That is what ‘Destination Dining in Jaisalmer by Suryagarh Resort’ all about!

They transported me away from my routine struggles to lands with unfamiliar pleasant sights and mouth watering flavours! I am talking about the 4 unique destination dining programs Suryagarh Resort arranged for us.

Imagine in the middle of nowhere, middle of a desert, an exotic set up and all you have to do is gorge, stuff, fill, again gorge, stuff, fill on and on till you crash out! Those 3 days Suryagarh Resort made me forget my home in Bangalore; instead they created a memory for me which now seems too magical!

Destination Dining: Travel Trends Today 

Destination Dining is a great concept for the guests. It can be defined as:  Destination dining is how people go to particular destinations specifically for the dining experience that it offers.  Boutique hotels like Suryagarh Resort are now successfully dishing out this kind of experience to their guests. If you have not experienced destination Dining yet, Suryagarh Resort is the right place to start with.

Destination Dining in Jaisalmer

4 Unique Destination Dining at Jaisalmer by Suryagarh Resort

Desert Dining Experience Begins at an Oasis

After our tour of Khaba Fort we drove through the shifting sands and thorny scrubs of Thar Desert to Jaziya Talao. All through the drive my eyes were soaking in the incredible beauty of the vast stretches of land now dotted with green shoots after the rains in August.

Jazia Talao, an oasis has an aura around it! This oasis never dries up! It sounded so mysterious to me. Our dining arrangement was done in the banks of this oasis. Two wonderfully done up seating arrangements facing the oasis, chefs busy preparing the dishes, couple of goats loitering around (one of whom I tried to feed), flute player – Sumer Khan, cool soothing breeze… I wish time stood still then and there.

Listen to Sumer Khan playing music here: Faces of India – 287, Rajasthani Musician

Destination Dining in Jaisalmer

It is here at Jaziya Oasis that we found ourselves far from the bustle of life, in pristine settings that are almost biblical, celebrating the legendary Suryagarh picnic.



Straight out of a Merchant-Ivory production complete with parasols, orange-turbaned waiters and tall, cool drinks, these are precious experiences to be treasured.

Dining under Moonlit Sky in the Middle of Thar Desert

That day evening after the Silk Route Trail through a Bheel settlement and Kuldhara Cemetery we reached the next Destination Dining. Do I call it Paradise of Dishes?

It was an open area, 2 tents set up in similar fashion as in the oasis, a fireplace, dancers swaying to the beat of drums and welcome drinks… I was mesmerized to silence! (This Rajasthani culture and style of welcoming guests is unbeatable. I have been to different states of India but only in Rajasthan I have seen this beating of drums and welcoming guests. I am not talking about weddings of north but the receptions at tourist destinations. )

This is one place where we bloggers enjoyed and interacted the most, talking our hearts away, playing little word games, friendly-heated discussions and amidst all this Nakul Hada our tour guide gets our food. I should say a procession of food! Men in white uniforms marched in huge veiled thaalis (plates). They were placed centrally. And we all were supposed to share from that big thaali. It is the traditional way of eating food in those areas.


This celebratory feast was served to us in a communal setting. Starry skies, tasseled canopies and mattress style seating made this a most comfortable, enjoyable dining experience.



Thaal – Dum Pulao, Seal cooked Basmati Rice with Stock & Herbs, Bolito Khargosh-Hare Meat Curry cooked slowly on Wood Fire, Handi Murgh-Seal cooked Chicken buried under hot Sand, covered with live Coal Lasooni Palak Garden Fresh Spinach- Sautéed with Garlic, Pithod Curry- Gram Flour Dumplings simmered in tempered Yoghurt Gravy, Khamiri Roti-Fennel flavored leavened Bread Dessert-Naariyal Boondi-Coconut, Rose Petals mixed Gram flour depletes

Check this: Jaisalmer Places to Visit and Things to Do

High Tea in a Tribal’s Hut, Jaisalmer

While on our way to Kiradu Temple complex we halted in a village. Suryagarh Resort team arranged high tea in one of the local’s house. The owner of the house, an aged man stood at the door and welcomed us.

Interiors was done up like a 5 star hotel’s restaurant! All of us settled inside, seated ourselves comfortably around the lavish spread of food. The village head man too joined us.

There was a hushed silence, all of us totally awestruck at the royal pampering. Most unique destination dining in Jaisalmer, hard to believe I really experienced it.

The village headman and the owner did not eat anything but they kept looking whatever was going on with warm hospitable eyes. It was an awkward silence initially but our ever cheerful guide eased the situation and soon the locals too joined in our conversations.

The children of the village too were excited lot. Later we had photos with the local women who were giggling away suggesting the unmarried ones among us to get married. Very rarely we get chance to inter act with locals during travels. Most of the times we have to take the initiative to get into conversations but here the local women were very eager to know more about us.




Fruit Strudels, Selection of Puffs, Chicken & Vegetables, Mini Muffins, Roasted Nuts, Selection of Sandwich, Chicken & Vegetables, Selection of Cookies, Oats & Choco Chips, Kaju Nimkee, Deep fried Gram flour Cashew shape savory, Payaz Ki Kachori, Deep fried spiced Onions & Potatoes encased in pastry shell.

Check this: Experiential Dining in Restaurants of Jaipur Rajasthan 

Satvik Food at Kiradu Temples

Setting foot inside Kiradu Temple complex, we were greeted with sight of 30 pujaris chanting mantras in the main temple. A smaller temple just beside the main one had elaborate set up for dining.  And the seating arrangements were in traditional styles.

We could sit cross-legged on the chowki style seats with little tables right in front. The thalis were elaborately stuffed with satvik menu.  Satvik Food is a very holy concept of Hindus. Consumption of satvik food provides positive energy to the functions of the five vital energies (Panch-Pran) which spread to the entire body.

Read on to find the menu. Couple of them like aloo mungodi ki subzi and mirch ka kutta I had never tasted before. They are so typical dishes of Rajasthan. Then there was continuous supply of pooris, pineapple rice pulao, and the mandatory dal-bati-choorma.

Finally there were the desserts. Satvik food at the end of ceremony added a lot of value to the event. Chef from Suryagarh Resort prepared the dishes at the site and the food served was hot. Indeed lot of planning and coordination has gone into executing such an experience for us.



Chefs of Suryagarh Resort have presented culinary art allowing the beauty of the food and its surroundings to speak. Which of these 4 unique destination dining in Jaisalmer did you like most? Do let me know in your comments.

[I was invited on this trip by Suryagarh Resort as a part of the #DesertExploration campaign. Experience and opinions are solely my own.].







Panchami of Durga Pujo Celebrated with Anandomela
Khaba Fort Jaisalmer: Location, History and Visit to Museum

83 Responses to “4 Unique Destination Dining in Jaisalmer by Suryagarh Resort

  • Wow. I would love to try something like this one of these days.

  • The unique dining experience with so many tasty and well-presented dishes is already making me hungry. Their concept is extra ordinary. The high tea presentation is what I loved the most. Suryagarh resort is high on our list. Going to experience it some day for sure. Thanks for such a lovely post.

  • All such unique experiences! I especially like the orange material surrounding you in Jazia Talao.

  • I want to have all of these dining experiences! The food sounds good, but it’s each unique experience that I’d savor. Out in the desert under the stars is like heaven for a star gazing nerd like me, and high tea in the tribal hut looks incredible. Also, how many people can say they’ve dined in a temple? Good job Suryagarh Resort for arranging these unique experiences.

  • Megan Jerrard
    8 years ago

    The destination dining programs Suryagarh Resort arranged for you sound wonderful – I haven’t experienced destination dinign before, obviously food is an important part of any travel experience though! Dining in the oasis of Jaziya Talao, and then under a moonlit sky in the middle of Thar Desert sounds spectacular! What a great way to immerse yourself into Rajasthani culture. Thanks for sharing!

  • It is actually my first time to know about this concept, and I googled “Destination Dining” after reading this. hahahaha.. the one I truly like the most is the High Tea in a Tribal’s Hut, maybe because I like interacting with locals and its good to hear that women did interact with you first. I also like the Satvik food, I find it interesting. but the best of this all is the experience that there is a concept like this existing. It is a new learning to me as a traveler.

  • Destination dining is a great idea. It is wonderful that one property is providing so many different types of destination dining. I would surely love to have a sumptuous Rajasthani meal in the middle of a Oasis.

  • I have heard a lot about this place. Always wanted to try out the desert dining experience. Rajasthani cuisine is one of it s kind.

  • Rajasthan seems to be a foodies heaven. All those experiences sounds amazing and all that food makes me hungry. I think my favourite would be the first and dining at an oasis. How awesome is that! Dining under the moonlight sounds awesome too. Will had to bucket list. Thanks for sharing.

  • Oh wow, all three of these sound fabulous. I especially love the idea of the tents ⛺️ outdoors. Rajasthan is someone I really want to visit as it looks incredible

  • Rajasthan seems to be full of these kind of dining experiences and all of them seem to be very authentic and nice experience. How many did you get to try?

  • I’ve always wanted a desert dining experience. This one looks really lovely.

  • It looks like such an indulging experience! You are so looky. Now I am hungry for sure

  • Wow – what a way to experience the gastronomy of the region! I’m definitely all about food under the stars.

  • They all sound amazing but I’ll pick the dinner under the stars. I’ll have to try this when I get to Rajasthan!

  • Jaisalmer is breathtaking! You surely have a royal tretment here seeing these guys wearing in white uniforms caring your food while having dinner at the middle of the desert with firedancers. That’s awesome!

  • Ill pick Jazia Oasis. Because I love the idea of having a picnic. The vibrant color is so eye catching! Well everything looks good and feels like a royal treatment 🙂

  • These experiences are truly unique and interesting. I wanna try the dinner in moonlit in the middle of the desert.

  • The dinner under the moonlit sky, as what you’ve mentioned, sounds so inviting for a foodie like me. And of course, the food, I believe, is something every visitor of the place should try!

  • Great findings. I am wondering how cool it will be to dine under the moonlit sky in the midst of the desert. I am going to try that one out when I visit Jaisalmer

  • Destination dining is such a great idea! And this one looks for grand and luxurious! The food looks incredible!

  • This is quite a unique royal pampering!!!! wow!!!

  • I’ve never heard of destination dining before. Oftentimes we travel to see places and taste local dishes, and these two always go hand in hand. Destination dining seems like an interesting concept especially for foodies. I want to try dining in Thar desert at night in an open area, with drums playing. It sounds wonderful. 🙂

  • That looks amazing and the food was off the hook! How much does something like that cost or is it part of a resort fee? I ask because I am going to be in Jalismar around January 15th & would love to eat at the temple! That looked amazing!

    • Indrani Ghose
      8 years ago

      Hi Eric! Greetings!
      It is not a part of resort fee. The cost of each of these experiences in mentioned in their site. I have included their link in the end of the post.

  • Each and every experience seems to be so well crafted and executed. Esp the satvik food at the temple. Rajasthan and food is a heavenly combo and Suryagarh has just taken it to another level altogether! 🙂

  • Food in Rajasthan is a different culinary deal all together. They have some of the best foods. These are some really amazing destination dining experiences.

  • I haven’t been in this country so I’ve never heard os this place. But this looks so cosy and quite an experience! 🙂

  • Moonlight dinner sounds magical! Plus, rajasthani cuisine is a delight for the taste buds! The picture of the old man in the turban is especially beautiful. thanks for sharing 🙂

  • I have been to this exact same place! Rajasthani food is amazingly delicious and I miss it now. Great to know you had good fun there.

  • Lucky you ! Aah ! So tempting !

  • I love that orange tent. Looks like some great dining experiences. I almost could taste the food!

  • Wow…….looks delicious it sounds delicious, one more destination added to the list :p

  • Loved the destination dining and those temples are amazing! 🙂

  • Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    8 years ago

    The high tea at the Tribal hut looks so inviting!

  • These dining places give the perfect vibes of Rajasthan and its cuisine! I’d love to visit all these places and try their food! I went to Choki Dhani twice during my college days in Pune and loved their hospitality and food!

  • Veronica
    8 years ago

    Now I totally understand that I went to a wrong Rajasthan. The Suryagarh resort is something that is definitely my style of stay! I looked through their website and I love it.

    After reading this post I decided to give Rajasthan another try. I only visited Jaipur and it was one of my worst experiences (Delhi and Mumbai were much better).

    But these places are WOW!

  • I’d love to try this out! Those meals look just amazing, and the location is so exotic! I hadn’t heard about Jaisalmer before, but definitely something to consider when I visit India.

  • mmm I would love to try all this amazing food especially the Bolito Khargosh-Hare Meat Curry looks delicious. And how cool to be in the desert eating all these wonderful delights. Im now very hungry!!

  • Amazing place with lip smacking foodies

  • Looking at this post made me drool. Thank you for sharing this. I would definitely love to try this when I have the chance to travel to India.

  • I think my favorite one would be Satvik Food at Kiradu Temples. It looks straight out of a movie set and the best part is that its real! The other ones look amazing as well.

  • This looks amazing! I was in Jaisalmer and missed these 🙁 Well, it’s an excuse to go back! I love the outdoor cooking – truly a wonderful and unique experience.

  • Such a unique variety of dining experiences! I would love the moonlit one the most I think, really sets the romantic mood!

  • this is beautiful, lovely design and presentation. Really wonderful resort. Thanks 4 sharing. It unique indeed.

  • Wow! Every one of these meals looked so elaborate, not to mention delicious. The meals at Jaziya Talao and in the local’s home were my favorites to look at. Very nice!

  • All these places look great for dining and that too amidst the rustic feeling of the desert land. I am particularly impressed by Jaziya Talao. I have read about oasis and getting to dine in one would be great. Also, the high tea in a tribal hut- im game for it anyday. 🙂

  • Stop! So hungry, and this has made it worse 😉 Thar Desert would definitely be my top pick – romantic yet adventurous at the same time. And the dishes look so delicious 😀

  • This is defo something I would love to experience.Every experience was unique.Love the High Tea in a tribal hut.

  • The concept of destination dining is fascinating. And when its the Rajasthani food as regal as the bygone Royal Era its more awesome. We loved the presentation of those delicious and tempting thalis.

  • Glad to see that you had a lovely experience. The Kiradu temple experience is the one that attracts me the most. The fact that you can combine it with a bit of heritage is interesting for me.

  • Well, traveling to a place just for dining is a notion I can quickly endorse. I like the idea of the thali, but the high tea seems wonderful. I have to say, I wish you have gone into more detail about the food offerings there.

  • First of all I have to thank you since you mde me discover Jaisamer, as I never heard about it. Secondly the dining experience are one more stunning than the other. would love to try them!

  • First, I have to say that Jaisalmer has a special place in my heart and it’s actually the place where I had the best meal during my entire trip to India. I would have loved to know about this destination dining tours when I was there, I would have tried it out for sure. Each locations is unique and the best part is the interaction with the local people. Nothing beats that!

  • This looks like such an incredible experience. I could really envision being there from reading the post. I would definitely enjoy this, I love food and being able to go here with friends or family would be fantastic.

  • This sounds like an amazing experience. I had heard of foodie tours before but this is the first I have heard of a destination dining experience. The setting is wonderful as well.

  • Food and travel, two of my favourite things!!

    What a wonderful concept 🙂

  • Blair Villanueva
    8 years ago

    Your post makes me feel dreamy of the moonlit sky, and good music tonight! You always share amazing stories here, which I truly enjoy 😀 Thank you!

  • Rajasthan has been my foodie heaven of india… Totally with tons of Veg food only. This is a great concept you went for at the resort!

  • Wow, I love all of these destination dinings. This is so unique. Never tried something like this. I love doing a high tea. And I regularly do that with friends. But I’ve never had one like this. It looks amazing!

  • I’ve never down destination dining before. The moonlit sky one sounds amazing! Will have to look into it ? ree love30

  • I would say my favorite dining destination would be the Satvik Food at Kiradu Temples. The food with all this vital energy just sound invigorating, and the temple surroundings makes you feel like you are going through a renewal process while enjoying the meal!
    Alessandra <3

  • I had not heard of destination dining before but it sounds great. All of the good looks really good too. I’d really like to try the condensed milk with Pistachio.

  • Oh wow this is awesome. Love this destination dining. What cool, different and exciting places to eat. Great post.

  • I had never heard of Destination Dining before, but it sounds brilliant! I can’t believe the amazing experiences that you had, dining in the oasis at Jazira Talao and under the stars! It all sounds so magical.

  • Wow, how beautiful and memorable! I wasn’t a foodie until I started travelling and now I certainly am…destination dining intrigues me.

  • Destination dining, a fantastic concept! Suryagarh Resort certainly does a great job. My favorite would be the moonlit dinner in the Thar dessert.

  • My vote is for dining by moonlight in the Thar desert. The High Tea in the tribal hut looks pretty inviting too.

  • As they say, one of the best ways to know a place is to eat their food. So I find this quite interesting (as a foodie myself). Out of all these I am most curious about the high tea at tribal’s hut. I’d love to experience that.

  • Nice! I never heard of destination dining before. It really looks like an interesting concept! Lucky you for experiencing such a unique dining experience. the hi-tea looks fascinating.

  • I’ve been to Jaisalmer & I can agree that it’s a great dining destination, though I never had such incredible experiences as these! The setting, presentation & food all look & sound amazing – how lucky are you! 🙂

  • Destination dinging is such a unique and fantastic concept. A great way to have the chance to see more of the region. I think my favorite would be fining under moonlit sky in the middle of Thar Desert 🙂

  • Food is a huge part of the travel experience for me, I love dining in an immersive environment

  • Love destination dining too. This looks like a particularly beautiful route too – those temples are incredible.

  • Wow – what an amazing experience! It all looks great, but I’m especially drawn to the high tea in the tribal hut. I love the contrast of the fancy service and the rustic setting.

  • Great concept! And that food looks delicious. My favorite one is probably the first, the Oasis.

    I’m sure you had a great time!

  • Amazing place is Jaisalmer.. Reliving my experiences through our blogs…

  • Rajasthan is a haven for foodies, especially of the Veg kind. This is a wonderful concept.A moonlight dinner in the midst of silvery sands is an appealing experience indeed,

  • I love the wonderful bright vibrant colors and sitting on the floor. Most western cultures are not used to that but really I think it adds to your meal! Great post

  • This post made me wishing for lunch and we haven’t even had breakfast! Can’t wait until my kids are old enough to enjoy hear culinary experiences abroad, but until then, I enjoy what I can ( and make sure there is lots of naan bread for them to eat!)

  • I would eventually love the dining experience here as well. I actually like how you convey your thoughts to all what you have experienced that have rhymes to your words. I as well love the concepts of every beanery you have offered.

  • This must be a good try as soon as I can go around the world! Will add this to my list!

  • Ya i saw that on the a show on TravelXP and it truly is an amazing concept and makes the food tastes event better rather than those routine restaurant dining but yes it puts a hole in ones pocket.

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